General Customer Inquiries

Maps / Growth Management Department Interactive GIS Maps
Artificial Reef Program
Boil Water Notice FAQs
Coastal Zone Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Collier County Beach & Marina Pay to Park FAQs
Collier County Emergency Management All Hazards Guide
Collier County Property Appraiser - What are the business hours and locations for the Collier County Property Appraiser's office?
Collier County Tax Collector - What are the locations and hours?
Collier County Water Outage and Boil Water Notice Map
Collier County Webpage and Social Media Pages
Contractors Licensing
Contractors Licensing - Unlicensed Contractor Early Warning Signs
DAS Pet Shelter Info - What are the shelter hours and locations?
Derelict Vessel Program
Do I Need a Permit to Burn Yard Waste?
Doing business with the County- What do prospective vendors need to know?
Don’t Get Scammed
Dune Vegetation Planting to Begin in Collier County
Electronic Notifications
Emergency Contacts
Firewise Clearing Information
Fireworks Safety
Government Center- Is there a Map of the Collier County Main Campus?
Have a compliment or concern?- Let us know how we are doing!
Have You Been a Victim of Discrimination?
Help Save Our Sea Turtles
How do I access CollierTV on my computer?
How do I obtain or update my driver license in Collier County?
How do I report a business still charging the 1% surtax?
How do I schedule a Fire Inspection?
How do I speak at a BCC Board meeting?
How do I watch Collier TV live online?
Hurricane preparedness- What can I do to make sure I am ready before a storm hits?
Infrastructure Surtax Facts
Is there a map of Collier County Gas stations?
Mobile Pay Beach & Boat Parks
My power is out as a result of the fire- How can I report that?
Pet Registration
Public Records- How do I request a copy of a public record?
Reporting Irrigation Leaks and Overspray
Roadway Lighting - Who do I contact regarding street light issues?
RSVP - How can I volunteer for the Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP)?
Seat Belt Exemption- How do I find out more?
Self Report "STUCTURAL" Damage
Short Term Vacation Rental Registration
Should I evacuate?
Special Needs Registry information- What are the Program Guidelines?
Special Needs Registry- Where can I sign up?
Stormwater Management
Supervisor of Elections - Where can I find contact information for the Collier County Supervisor of Elections?
The Department of Business and Professional Regulation- What are they responsible for?
Useful Phone Numbers/Links - Phone Numbers and Links for Animal Related Questions.
What is an Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU)?
What is my Evacuation Zone?
What is the Board of County Commissioners?
What is the Florida Department of Revenue?
What is the Official Records Risk Alert Notification Program?
Where can I find out what Fire District I belong to?
Which roads are maintained by the Florida Department of Transportation?

General Inquiry (Save & Close)

2024 Collier County Coastal Flood Map Effective 02/08/2024
Alternative toilet paper products- A few important things to remember.
Public Records- How do I request a copy of a public record?
Storm Preparations Made to Help Prevent Roadway Flooding
Supervisor of Elections - Where can I find contact information for the Collier County Supervisor of Elections?

(CMO) County Manager Operations General Inquiry

311 Survey- Tell us how we are doing!

County Manager's Office

What is the Board of County Commissioners?


Have You Been a Victim of Discrimination?

Public Record Request

Public Records- How do I request a copy of a public record?

Can't find what you're looking for? Create a request for service