Please read before making the call!
Short-term street flooding is common after intense rainfall in the wet season (June-November).
Roadside ditches and swales that gradually convey stormwater commonly stay wet for weeks or months during the wet season.
If you live in a development with a homeowners association (HOA), or residence association please call the management office. Most private developments maintain their own drainage systems.
Many larger canals are operated and maintained by the Big Cypress Basin Board, but most smaller canals, and ditches along public roads are County maintained.
Please report flooding if you experience:
- Flooding that threatens to enter a residential or commercial structure;
- Persistent street flooding, meaning it happens frequently after an average rainfall, or it remains longer than 48 hours after heavy rain;
- Changes in the way stormwater drains in your area compared to previous years, i.e., new flooding.
Call: Collier County Road Maintenance Department, 4800 Davis Blvd., Naples
(239) 252-8924
Or Email: RoadMaintenance@colliercountyfl.gov. You may attach photos if they help describe the flooding.
What you can do to Reduce the Potential for Flooding:
Remove debris and toys from ditches and swales along the property
- Maintain property adjacent to ditches and swales
- Report plugged or blocked drainage facilities to same contacts above
Visit the Road Maintenance Website for more information.