Road Maintenance

Maps / Growth Management Department Interactive GIS Maps
Canal Maintenance - Who can I call about maintenance of a canal (weeds, washouts, debris)?
Landscape - How are landscape projects selected?
Landscape Irrigation - How do I report a broken sprinkler systems in the roadway medians?
Landscape Irrigation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Landscaping - Information about Roadway Landscaping
Limerock Road Conversion Program & Grading Cycle - When will my road be paved?
Pot hole - How can I get a pot-hole fixed?
Road Maintenance - Frequently asked Questions (FAQ's)
Roads - Who do I contact to determine if a road is considered public or private?
Stormwater Management
Trees and Plants - Regulations and restrictions on how we treat the environment
Understanding Road Side Swales
Which roads are maintained by the Florida Department of Transportation?
Why is there standing water in my road side ditch?

Clogged Drainpipe / Catch Basin / Drainage Issues / Culvert Pipe

Missing Delineator

Debris - Canals and Ditches

Canal Maintenance - Who can I call about maintenance of a canal (weeds, washouts, debris)?

Debris, Litter, Dead Animal on Road or Right-of-Way

Deceased Animal on Public Property - Who do we contact when there is a dead animal on public property/public roadways?
Illegal dumping

Irrigation in Median

Landscape Irrigation - How do I report a broken sprinkler systems in the roadway medians?
Landscape Irrigation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

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