Knowledge Base

Illegal dumping

The Collier County Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Division is asking for residents’ help in reporting illegal debris dumping.

It is a violation for landscaping, tree trimming or other hired companies to deposit debris on the right-of-way or vacant lots instead of taking it to an approved yard waste disposal facility.
As a reminder, commercial businesses and landscapers are not eligible for free pick-up of storm-related debris.  Commercial businesses and landscapers are required to take yard waste to an authorized solid waste disposal facility and must pay the disposal fee.

Illegal dumping of storm related debris, or any other type of debris, is a crime.  
Citizens who witness illegal dumping are encouraged to write down the details of the incident and immediately contact
Code Enforcement directly at:  239-252-2440 and/or Collier County Sheriff Office at:  239-252-9300.

Please provide details such as:

  • Did you see who dumped the debris? (i.e. vehicle type, description, license plate)

  • Address or street name and nearest cross-street of dumped material.

  • Indicate specifically where the dumping is located (i.e.  vacant lot, roadway)

  • What sort of debris was dumped? (i.e. tires, furniture, tree branches, trash, etc.)

  • How long has the debris been there?


Remember to keep yourself safe; do not directly confront an illegal dumper.

Updated 12/23/2024 9:28 AM
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