Knowledge Base

What should and should not be flushed?

Toilets are NOT trash cans!

Many people flush trash and other items down the toilet and use it as a quick and convenient disposal method. Those things may disappear from your toilet bowl, but they often accumulate in the sewer pipes under the toilet.  This can cause clogs and lead to sewer backups in your home or business, and can cause sewer overflows into the environment. Even many products marketed as “flushable” are not. These products range from kitty litter to baby wipes and toilet brush heads.  Sewer backups and overflows can be costly to repair, can damage the environment and can lead to increased sewer rates. Toilets were designed to flush human waste and toilet paper only. Please do not use the toilet as a trash can. Watch this short video to see what really happens to items that are not supposed to be flushed.

Updated 11/6/2018 3:56 PM
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