Medical Testing Vouchers - Does Community & Human Services (CHS) have a non-insured doctor referred medical testing program?
Medical Testing
YES, we do have a program that assists with special medical testing, prescribed by a doctor.
We can provide a voucher for a special medical test at a cost of $10 each.
The patient must have no medical insurance, under 65 years of age, and has applied for Medicaid and has been denied.
They must bring the following items - Proof of gross family income for the past 4 weeks; Letter of denial from Medicaid; Most recent bank statement, Proof of county residency; Driver's license or picture ID, Birth Certificate or Passport; Written Referral from your Doctor.
Please call: (239) 252-8441 for more details.
Click the Link for Information: Non-Insured Doctor Referred Testing
Updated 8/21/2024 9:41 AM