Code Enforcement

Animal Structure - Does a horse or livestock shelter/feeding structures need building permits?
Animals on Estates Zoned Property - What kind of animals can I have on Estates Zoned District?
Animals on Residential Property - What kind of animals can I keep as pets, if I live in a Residential zoned area?
Barking Dog - My neighbor's dog barks all day long while they are at work. Can you do anything about that?
Beach/Parks Ticket Payment - How do I pay for a parking citation?
Building Division - Frequently Asked Questions
Building Division Permit Information / Procedures
Building Permit - Do I need a building permit to install or build a SHED on my property?
Building Permit - E-Permitting (Electronic Submittal)
Building Permit - Electronic Permitting Guide: Online Submittal for Design Professionals
Building Permit - Resolution Service
Building Permit - Voice Permit System / schedule building inspection
Building Permit- How long is a Building Permit valid for?
Business - Can I have deliveries of products sent to my home that are used for the business?
Business - Can I run a business from my home in Collier County?
Business - How do I start a business in Collier County?
Business - If I make something at my home for my business, where can I store my materials?
Business - Where do I obtain a Business Tax Receipt (home occupational license)?
Canal Maintenance - Who can I call about maintenance of a canal (weeds, washouts, debris)?
Code Enforcement- Apply for Recreational Vehicle Permit
Code Enforcement- Common Violations and Frequently Asked Questions
Code of Law and Ordinances / Land Development Code
Comercial Vehicle - Is a commercial vehicle allowed to be parked in a residentially zoned neighborhood?
Contractors Licensing
Do I need a Permit to Dig?
Emergency Generators for Single & Two Family Dwellings
Fence Information
Fireworks Safety
Florida Building Codes
Garage Sale Information
Hoarder Concern
Illegal dumping
Informal Wetland Determination
Lien Search
Motor Home - Can my guests from out of town stay in my motor home located on my property?
Noise - Application for Extended Construction Work Hours
Noise - Is a commercial business/ restaurant/bar required to get any type of permit for music?
Noise - What are the hours allowed to do construction?
Noise - Who can I call to report loud music playing from a residential property?
Noise Ordinance - ARTICLE IV Code of Ordinance
Noise Wall
Noise- My neighbor (lawn company as well) mows his lawn at 7:00 am. Is there any ordinance that you can enforce to make him mow later in the day?
Non-Conversion Agreement
Permit Resolution - Formerly Known as "Cancellations and Extensions"
Permit Tracking
Pest Infestation Concern
Planning - What are the requirements for filing in your jurisdiction, for example, size & number of copies of Construction Drawings and/or Structural Analysis?
Pollution Control and Prevention
Right-of-Way (ROW) Permitting
Roadside sales- Can I sell items along the roads in Collier County?
Short Term Vacation Rental Registration
Trees and Plants - Regulations and restrictions on how we treat the environment

Accessory Structures (unpermitted)

Building Permit - Do I need a building permit to install or build a SHED on my property?


Animals on Estates Zoned Property - What kind of animals can I have on Estates Zoned District?
Animals on Residential Property - What kind of animals can I keep as pets, if I live in a Residential zoned area?

Building Permit Violation

Building Division - Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a Permit to Dig?

Business Tax Receipt (Home Occupational Licenses)

Business - Can I have deliveries of products sent to my home that are used for the business?
Business - Can I run a business from my home in Collier County?
Business - How do I start a business in Collier County?
Business - If I make something at my home for my business, where can I store my materials?
Business - Where do I obtain a Business Tax Receipt (home occupational license)?

Commercial Vehicles

Comercial Vehicle - Is a commercial vehicle allowed to be parked in a residentially zoned neighborhood?


Fence Information

Garage Sales

Garage Sale Information

Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping

Land Clearing

Trees and Plants - Regulations and restrictions on how we treat the environment


Code Enforcement- Common Violations and Frequently Asked Questions

Noise Complaint

Barking Dog - My neighbor's dog barks all day long while they are at work. Can you do anything about that?
Noise - Is a commercial business/ restaurant/bar required to get any type of permit for music?
Noise - What are the hours allowed to do construction?
Noise - Who can I call to report loud music playing from a residential property?
Noise Wall
Noise- My neighbor (lawn company as well) mows his lawn at 7:00 am. Is there any ordinance that you can enforce to make him mow later in the day?

Permit Concern

Building Division - Frequently Asked Questions
Building Permit - Do I need a building permit to install or build a SHED on my property?
Do I need a Permit to Dig?

Recreational Vehicles

Code Enforcement- Apply for Recreational Vehicle Permit
Motor Home - Can my guests from out of town stay in my motor home located on my property?

Right-of-Way (ROW)

Roadside sales- Can I sell items along the roads in Collier County?

Roadside Sales

Roadside sales- Can I sell items along the roads in Collier County?

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